My Reading List August 2018

Hello everyone,

Here, I'm gonna show you some books that I've been reading lately but haven't finished it yet since I don't have so much time and sometimes I read them at once (not effective).

So, the books are:
1. Mengenang Hidup Orang Lain - Ajip Rosidi
2. Lapis-lapis keberkahan - Salim A Fillah
3. Slavia - Soebagio
4. Cantik Dalam Perspektif Islam - Pustaka Imam As-Syafi'i
5. Islam Tuhan Islam Manusia - Haidar Bagir
6. Bumi Manusia - Pramoedya Ananta Toer
7. Anak Semua Bangsa - Pramoedya Ananta Toer
8. Persaudaraan Agama-Agama - Waryono Abdul Ghofur
9. Baca Ini Kamu Pasti Kuliah Ke Luar Negeri - JKLN
10. Khazanah Aswaja - PWNU Jawa Timur
11. Shalihah Itu Cantik - Tinta Medina

Whoaaaaa. That's a lot. Actually, I still have some books (ebook) to read but I'm currently reading 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think.

Here are the physical books(?)

So, Idk if times bring me to be a bad habit person at reading. Bcz I spend more times at scrolling my ig feeds instead of reading the book. So sad.

Several books were bought when I came to a bazaar. For example that Slavia and Mengenang Hidup Orang Lain. The price is 10k/each if I'm not mistaken.

So, yeah, those are the books that I currently read for now.

I hope I can finish them as soon as possible. So that I won't feel guilty for buying them.

I bought them because I love their content when I saw them somewhere.

Ok, That is all for today,

I hope I can share what I'll reading next time.

See you

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