Don't underestimate kids. [Random Thoughts] About Stranger Things Series

Hi people!

So, lately I watched Stranger Things Series. It's one of Netflix series. Awalnya aku ngerasa "ih paan sih, yg main bocah" so I wasn't interested at first and I asked my friend a question about this series (to make sure) that this series is worth to watch. She told me that it's more likely "IT" movie karena emang di IT yang mainnya juga bocah. Unfortunately, until now I haven't watched IT. So, I don't have any clue about this story series gonna be.

Ok. Because I found ada satu temanku yang movie buff juga dan dia nonton ini juga, ga ada salahnya kan aku nonton juga wkwkwkwk.
Ternyata ini adalah series yang memiliki latar belakang kehidupan di tahun 19th century mungkin ya. Awalnya sih biasa aja tapi lama kelamaan, ini beneran seru!
Banyak scene yang mencekam. Karena gue takut ada setannya, jadi selama scene mencekam itu running, gue selalu skip scene nya sampe atmosphere scene nya udah gak dark lagi hehehe (penakut aslinya)

Why should people call me "Hirena"?

hello people

Good morning. It's 6.23 am here.

Well, I just wanted to tell you that if you want to call my name, you have to call me with "Hirena" or "Rena" not "Novi" Why?

Here the story begins

So, Everytime I got classes there always be another or others "Novi" in the class.
When I went to Primary School, I got 2 Novi(s)

Internet Friends


Welcome back!

I hope you're interested about the topic that I am going to tell you.

So, for couple years since the first time I know about social media, started from facebook.
I have lots of internet friends. Whether they're a local or abroad.
It's interesting to know them and communicate with em
However this thing makes me bored after I know that Internet friends won't be in your life for good.

I mean, you know them, they know you, you make friends. But sometimes, not... often, you're not supposed to be interact with each other for good.

Ketidak produktifan yang produktif

It's 2.52 am

and I can't sleep.


Kayaknya baru deh gak bisa tidur gini gara-gara gak ngerjain apa-apa. Hmmm... but sebelumnya emang udah tidur sih, lyk dari jam 7-8 gitu. Imbasnya coy sampe jam segini belom bisa tidur.

Gak enak sih. Soalnya ga bisa ngapa-ngapain. Browsing juga gak puas soalnya gak ada WiFi hahahah.

Kalo begadang karena ngerjain kerjaan sih enak. Dulu ngerjain tugas. Sekarang begadang for nothing. Kayak gak penting banget gitu. Tapi ini bukan begadang sih, it's like insomnia. Teu tiasa obo wkwkwkwk

Btw nyari kerja mayan susah ye... sampe skrg eike belum dapet kerjaan. Ada sih kerjaan. Jadi admin online shop di online shop mbe unyet. Tapi tetep aja kurang sibuk.

Pengen atuh ngerasain jadi orang sibuk ahahahah biar gak ngelamunin hal-hal yang bikin pusing tujuh keliling -__-

Ya...kayak sekarang. Megang hp. Scroll. Ngelamun. Repeat.

Kayak unfaedah gak penting banget gitu

Hmm... barusan abis apply kerja lagi. Di tempat les. Semoga yang ini diterima. heheheheh

Minta doanya ya readers sekalian (wkwkwkwk padahal siapa coba/?)

Tetap semangat ahhh!!! Yuhuuuuuu

Jadi judul sama isi apa maksudnya?

Ada kok. Dari ketidak produktifan menghasilkan produk tulisan ini hahahaha

Everything is on its place

Always remain calm

Because everything is already on its place.

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