
It's such a godsend.
I'm so blessed to know him.
He always try to make me smile and laugh even though I don't want to.
But then, I smile, I laugh.
Thank God,
For the opportunity that I can be with him.
He is nice, very nice.
The fate will bring me and he to the something You decided.
I let the life be flowing wherever it will take us.
I have a lot of imperfection.
he give me a place to unwind my crowded place.
with him, I feel safe. Like I'm home.
he is my second place after my family.  
Thank God.

My Current Classic Songs

Hi all,

I just want to share my favorite song for now  to you all.
So, when I play a game called piano tiles 2 on my sister's tab, I found this song, which is really really really good and so soft. Then I decided to search the mp3. But first I searched it on youtube. Yea, finally, I got it,

you can hear it in this video below :

The title is Nocturne op. 9 No. 2.

When I enjoyed the song, then I click another song entitled Spring Waltz. I thought that's a sad song, because of its dark and sad atmosphere in the image of the video as it seems on : 

And my guess is right. 

You know, though it just a song or symphony without lyrics, but with its melody we can imagine what the song mean. 

The first song (Nocturne op. 9 No. 2), in my mind, has two different meanings. 
From its melody I can imagine, It can bring sadness and happiness at once. 

In contrast, Spring Waltz song just has one meaning, which is sadness that described from its melody. 

Then, I found that the creator of these two songs is Federic Chopin. 
I think he's so brilliant, talented.
From this two songs I can appraise his creation, beautiful songs. Though I don't know his other songs. 
Maybe next time I'll explore his song. 

Ok, That's all 

Kuliah Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Why Not?

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Hai... selamat tahun baru btw! wkwkwk maaf telat ngucapin tp gapapa lah yaa...

Kali ini aku mau cerita tentang pengalamanku kuliah di jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris.

Hmm... aku ceritain awal mula kenapa aku ambil jurusan ini aja ya, semoga bisa membantu buat kalian yang mau kuliah ambil jurusan bahasa dan sastra Inggris tapi masih bingung.

Ok, Aku ambil jurusan ini karena alhamdulillah nilai bahasa Inggris ku semasa sekolah dulu lumayan bagus, dan aku emang suka belajar bahasa, ya apalagi bahasa Inggris hehe.
Terusss aku juga gak mau yang namanya ngitung-ngitung gitu, cz I think, kuliah tuh gak cuma sebulan dua bulan tapi 4 tahun loh! And memang nilai matematika ku dulu jelek banget, dan aku orangnya kalo ga suka sama suatu hal yaudah gak bakalan aku lanjutin dan gak bakalan penasaran sama hal tersebut, tapi kalo aku suka ya bakalan terus aku kupas/? itu hal wkwkwk.

Aku mikir kalau aku ambil jurusan bahasa dan sastra inggris, singkat aja jadi BSI deh ya, mungkin nilai kuliah ku gak bakalan ancur banget soalnya aku suka sama bahasa Inggris dan gak bakalan ketemu sama yang namanya matematika wkwkwk kalaupun ketemu paling matkul statistika buat ngebantu ngerjain skripsi tapi itupun maybe cuma 2 sks, and you know, when you mulai kuliah, buat dapet nilai A itu gak gampang men! butuh perjuangan. So, aku saranin buat kamu yang mau ambil jurusan, AMBIL JURUSAN KULIAH YANG KALIAN SUKA!
Bcz beberapa orang yang aku temuin itu banyak yang pindah jurusan karena mereka gak sanggup buat belajar di jurusan itu, mata kuliahnya mumetlah, atau mungkin dosennya killer wkwkwk

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